Where To Start

When considering a new website - either a brand new presence on the web or a redesign of an old site - the first thing you do is decide on what direction you want to go in presenting your company - a basic concept. And most importantly, what is it you want your site to accomplish? A large portion of this direction is certainly determined by your business profile. The more detail you can give us, the better equipped we will be to offer you a detailed estimate.
Once Monterey Bay Design receives your signed agreement and deposit, design and construction of your site can begin.
You should start gathering (or creating new) information that is representative of you or your company. This includes relevant text such as mission statements, copy about who you are and what you do that is suitable for an "About" page or your Home page/landing page, brochures, catalogues, staff biographies, pictures, etc. As much as possible should be in an electronic format. i.e. If images are not digital, they should be scanned, and all text should be emailed or in a format such as docx, txt, etc.
When you write your text, you should consider keywords: what words or phrases will people "Google" when they are searching for what you have? And what words are particularly relevant to the page you are writing for?
All copy should be provided in its final form for each required page and proofread before it is submitted.
Have a look around and familiarize yourself with our services. When you're ready, email us, or give us a call at 831-484-2760.