We are committed to your security

SSL Certificates are not optional anymore.
That's why you will get a free SSL Certificate installed and renewed automatically with each hosting package.
For as long as you host with us, your domain is secure!
We also offer a range of higher trust level SSL certificates from DigiCert®.
The higher trust level OV and EV certificates (Organization Validation and Extended Validation) offer a dynamic site seal and up to $1.5 million warranty.
Go the extra mile with DigiCert® Secure Site and get an SSL Certificate with the Norton Site Seal recognized and trusted by online consumers worldwide!
Increase sales and assure visitors that your site is malware-free.
There are multiple flavors of DigiCert Secure - Basic, Pro, Extended Validation and Pro Extended Validation.

Starting from
DigiCert Secure Site
Just $37.33/mo
paid annually
- SSL Certificate PLUS Malware Scans
**If you are not hosting with Monterey Bay Design, you are responsible for generating and installing your Certificate; however, we would be happy to assist for an additional fee.
True Business ID will require you to provide several forms of identification and notarized documentation to the Certificate Authority.