Create Squarespace Account via Monterey Bay Design Link

Monterey Bay Design earns a commission when you purchase through our affiliate link.  

To sign up via my affiliate link, please proceed with the steps below.

  1. Please create your account via the affiliate link here:
  2. Click LOG IN in the upper right corner.
  3. Click CREATE ACCOUNT in the upper right corner.
  4. Click the Continue with Email button.
    1. You may choose to use a single sign on option.
  5. Otherwise, enter your name, email and a strong password into the form and click CONTINUE.
  6. You may click SKIP at the bottom of the page until you reach the theme choice page.
    1. You can't choose a Squarespace Plan until you let Squarespace set up your website. To do that, simply choose a theme to start with. All themes on the newest version of Squarespace have the same capabilities. The theme choice only matters if you are building the site yourself. 
  7. Hover over a theme and click START WITH “theme name.”
    1. Squarespace will set up your basic site and create your Squarespace url which is typically a mashup of words - EXAMPLE ONLY:
  8. After a few moments, setup will be complete. This is your website’s configuration page.
    1. At the bottom of this page, you'll see "Your trial ends in 14 days. Upgrade now to get the most out of your site" and a Subscribe button.  Click Subscribe, choose a plan, and fill in your payment information.

Invite A Contributor

If we have discussed your project and you wish me to build or assist with your site, please invite me as a contributor after your Squarespace plan has been chosen - see above instructions.

  1. From Settings, open the permissions panel and click Invite Contributor.
  2. In the Invite Contributor window, enter the contributor's name and email address.
Deborah Ryder
  1. Check Administrator permission (This is required for full site design.)
  2. Click Save/Invite to send your invitation.
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